Secrets of Test Design and Analysis


Secrets of Test Design and Analysis



Presented by Perry and Rhonda Drake at the DMA 2006 Annual Conference and Exhibition, San Francisco, CA


At this session you will learn the various secrets of developing, executing and analyzing your testing program so that sound marketing decisions are made every time, guaranteed. You will hear various hints and tips on how to get the most out of your testing program within a set budget or one that is facing cuts. This session is for anyone who wishes to learn how to test smarter and wiser, thereby maximizing their testing ROI.

In particular you will learn:

  • How to determine when it is appropriate to test multiple changes to your control package.
  • Why you should always backtest your old control at least once when switching to a new promotional strategy.
  • The correct way to evaluate your testing results by running best and worst case profit scenarios.

This is an informational session geared for marketing managers and directors.

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